Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Permanent members of the SCORE team are leading teachers in their respective institutions. They are responsible of lecture in disciplines like software engineering, database systems, object oriented programming and design, distributed systems, service computing and even more advanced topics at all levels and in all kind of departments in the University. Most of the PhD Students have also teaching duties in the same institutions. As a whole, the SCORE team accounts for more than 2500 hours of teaching.

  • Gérôme Canals is the head of the Computer science department of the Nancy University Institute of Technology (IUT Nancy Charlemagne) since sept. 2010, and is responsible for the professional licence degree ”Web application programming” since sept. 2001.

  • Jacques Lonchamp is responsible for the professional licence degree ”Free and Open Source Software”.

  • Claude Godart is responsible for the Computer Science department of the engineering school ESSTIN. He was study director of the master degree ”Distributed Services, Security and Networks” until September 2013. Claude Godart is member of the board of directors and the recruitment committee of the engineering school ESSTIN.

  • Khalid Benali is responsible for the professional Master degree speciality ”Distributed Information Systems” of MIAGE and of its international branch in Morocco.

  • Olivier Perrin was responsible of the Certificat Informatique et Internet (C2I) course for DEG collegium of University of Lorraine.

  • François Charoy is responsible of the Software Engineering specialisation at the TELECOM Nancy Engineering School of University of Lorraine.

  • Gérald Oster is responsible of the 3rd year internship program at the TELECOM Nancy Engineering School of University of Lorraine.

  • Pascal Urso is responsible for the ”Security, Services, Systems and Network” track of the master degree in computer science at University of Lorraine from September 2013.


  • PhD: Aymen Baouab, Gouvernance et supervision décentralisée des chorégraphies inter-organisationnelles, Université de Lorraine, 5/2013, Claude Godart, Olivier Perrin

  • PhD: Yongxin Liao, Title: Semantic annotations for systems interoperability in a PLM environment, University of Lorraine, 5/2013, Advisors: Nacer Boudjlida (LORIA) and Hervé Panetto (CRAN).

  • PhD in progress: Luc André, Réplication et Maintien de la Cohérence en Temps Réel dans les Réseaux Pair-à-pair, started in 9/2011, François Charoy et Gérald Oster

  • PhD in progress: Mehdi Ahmed Nacer, Title: Evaluation of CRDT for optimistic replication, started in 9/2011, François Charoy et Pascal Urso

  • PhD in progress: Elio Goettelman, Exécution en confiance de processsus dans le cloud, started in 9/2011, Claude Godart

  • PhD in progress: Ahmed Bouchami , Sécurité des données collaboratives d'une plateforme PaaS, started in 11/2012, Olivier Perrin

  • PhD in progress: Adrien Devresse , Study of effective sharing and analysis of very large metadata repositories: application to the High Energy Physics computing community, started on 11/2011, Olivier Perrin

  • PhD in progress: Badrina Gasmi, Title: Distributed Competence Management, Béjaïa University, Algeria, started in January 2011, Advisors: Nacer Boudjlida and Hassina Talantikite (Béjaïa University).

  • PhD in progress: Faïza Bouchaib, Title: Toward a Generic Model for Competence Management, Béjaïa University, Algeria, started in January 2011, Advisors: Nacer Boudjlida and Hassina Talantikite.

  • PhD in progress: Jordi Martori i Adrian, Data constraints for large-scale collaboration, started in 10/2013, François Charoy et Pascal Urso


SCORE members were members of the following PhD defense committees:

  • Mohammed Oussame Kherbouche, PhD, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, December 2013 (François Charoy)

  • Oussema Dabbebi; PhD, Université Henri Poincaré Nancy 1, June 2013 (Claude Godart)

  • Chedlia Chakroun, PhD, ENSMA Poitiers, October 2013 (Claude Godart)

  • Francis Ouedraogo, PhD, INSA Lyon, November 2013 (Claude Godart)

  • Hanane Abdeljelil, PhD, Université Claude Bernard Lyon1, November 2013 (Claude Godart)

  • Hanaa Mayzad, PhD, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, January 2013 (Claude Godart)

  • Mohamed Hilia, PhD, Université Paris Est, December 2013 (Claude Godart)

  • Fahad Muhammad, PhD, University Lumière, Lyon 2, April 2013 (N. Boudjlida, reviewer and member)

  • Karim Doumi, PhD, University Med V-Souissi, Rabat, Morocco, September 2013 (N. Boudjlida, reviewer and member)

  • Yonxin Liao, PhD, Université de Lorraine, November 2013 (N. Boudjlida)

  • Maryam Eslamichalandar, PhD, CNAM Paris, December 2013 (Olivier Perrin)

  • M. Komlan Akpédjé KEDJI, PhD, Université de Toulouse, July 2013 (Khalid Benali)

SCORE members were members of the following Habilitation defense committees:

  • Mme Julie Dugdale, HDR, Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1, December 2013 (François Charoy)

  • Youakim Badr, HDR, INSA Lyon, December 2013 (Claude Godart)